In the discard as not useful/horrid turn of phrase/ignore category where:
- More than one way to skin a cat (urgghhh)
- There is always someone worse of you than you (yes that's why I will stop, don't need to feel guilty too)
- Maybe failure is your thing (But woody allen does make me smile)
- Its easier to find a job when you have a job
- onwards and upwards
- to change outcomes you have to change inputs (do something differently)
- If you raise your eyes up to heaven, heaven is what you'll see (Lyle Lovatt, I think he means you need to believe and focus and have an open mind or what is there which is good will not appear)
Yesterday even in my dispair I did have three meetings with people I am volunteering with or for, and wasn't too negative when I was with them either. But it did put me in a position of listening more and there was some advice. It was thought good that I was still active in the arts, I agree and it does at least mean I'm gaining experience and it is fun. I had a long talk with a person in a similar position ot me who has not just got a plan B but is on "plan S"so this made me think tenacity at one plan may be a positive and on the other hand think of other things to pursue, maybe plan B and plan C. Also we talked about a few start up things and I was interested but not wowed by them but the advise I got was maybe to start small and grow.
I do want just for fun, because no idea how to monetise it anyhoo, to start an art club like a book club where people who like art or think they might meet once a month and discuss a show or a commercial or museum gallery exhibit together, maybe with a field trip. The point being for fun like a book club with mutual respectful conversation. I think it's long overdue as many people are intimidated and that's unfair. I'd like wider audiences. I think meeting in a pub would be good as so little get enough trade at the moment either.
Then we thought about have a go nights where you have a try and write poetry, sing, play guitar (just that one song you always wanted), origami, watercolour, lots of things and maybe do an event as part fo new years resolution season. Could be fun if nothing else. Skills sharing non judgemental fun. Sounds abit like Cerbyd's project, maybe some unintentional copying going on here, hmmm.
Anyway finish current temp placement this week, have some volunteer work for a few days next week and the following. Temp Agency called me with praise and asked me to work next wed and thurs "I'd love to" so looking forward to that, its at a Uni and conveniently located and only clashes with one volunteer day I pencilled in. Also have tomorrow on leave so will be making my flat all spick and span for weekend visitor and Christmas. Just in case life gets really busy between now and then or I just get too drunk to bother.
I don't even drink that much normally but we have christmas tipples in and they look tempting.