Friday, 16 September 2011

Magic Brogues

Tiring day at work but managed to write 2 letters and use the headed paper successfully 1st time! With no template set up and an unfamiliar printer. I was actually PROUD. Genuinely, otherwise did a lot of up and downstairs and dealing with a photocopier that has needed an engineer all week, manual duplex is time consuming.

Also I knew I was anxious about meeting Arts Festival Person as could not decide what to wear, usually I lie in bed and visualise different combinations try it on and feel it works and go. Today tried it on, chnaegd the necklace, changed tha cardi you name it. I looked acceptable, and then the hair just, well I need a Lucy intervention. I decided though that I was definately wearing the magic brogues.

Everywhere you go in the Art World, the administrators wear brogues, I love them but with a high instep had real trouble finding any, then when I had finally allowed myself to spend real money on a pair and was on my way to Jon Ian in Cardiff's Arcades, I spotted an A J Meek sale, 1 pair extremely comfy brown brogues for £9.99. I went back three weeks later and bought another identical pair and the same in black. Not yet have I had a no whilst wearing them, they just say, I belong here don't look at me like that, and the person accepts it.

So, very sunny after work, popped in to Milkwood and introduced myself then went off to the festival organiser's home and home office for a lovely cup of tea. House full of food and family. Liked her and the house immediately. I was honest and open, the trauma of office closure and unemployment did bring out lots more self awareness and has led me to just be me and be up front about it.

She listed lots of things that needed doing and I responded positively to things that interested me, explaining I know the theory, need the experience, need that on my CV as some jobs have fed back I lack dealing with funding bodies. also quite honest that I am totally fearless about managing staff and public speaking.

Therefore looks like I'm on to help with marketing, fundraising, co-ordinating volunteers, running an artist - public drawing event, help with the books and speak in school assemblies in the area.

Week tomorrow most likely be when the real stuff starts.

Too tired to get too excited, well maybe recent let downs don't help, but I'll let you knwo when it hits.

Right now I'm satisfied and that is no bad way to start the weekend.


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