Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Stuff that happenned brought back some redundancy emotions today so thought it helpful to share. Of course all redundancies and all people's reaction to it will differ somewhat but if it happens to you try and remember that you can not be made redundant only the job can. Start seperating yourself from the job asap to help cope.

I set my self rules;
1.don't fall out with anyone
2.encourage others to respect each other
3.talk to a counsellor and get your head straight
4.dont make your own truth, stay open minded for as long as possible
5 capture all of your experience and skills and get colleugues to pitch in to capture them
6 take all opportunities for development offerred
7 learn any new tricks in your own time you possibly can
8 dream big then deal with the problems getting there
9 Make sure staff have all the tools if they choose to use them its up to them
10 know when to challange respectfully, I found this was most of the time

golden rule is make lemonade with the lemons


1 comment:

  1. Just sat and read all of your blog. You make me smile as always, and I'm rooting for you big time. Show us all what's possible Jen!

    H x
