Thursday, 27 October 2011

One Year On

It was last October some time that it was first mooted that my office would close, as a good friend asked me today could I have imagined a year ago I would be doing all I am doing now then?

Well I'm not sure.

I did think though it was a good idea to try and capture what Jen did next from that starting point a year ago. It won't be accurate and I do kick myself a little for not starting the blog earlier, but we shall both dear reader, have to just put up with the recalled and partly evidenced account of what I did.

Well firstly I had a pathetic little cry infront of the director and everyone else, one of those no really my eyes are leaking its fine, oh shit I wish it could just stop, stop damn it, hmmmphh, sort of cries. In my head I was already sure it was over and I would leave whatever happenned, I had been threatened with it before and I just didn't want that again. For a few years I had felt that the job was too well paid to leave, I enjoyed having staff but the main theme in my role was frustration. Lots of it. I wasn't using that feeling constructively either I was rising above it by letting it eat at me whilst I "did my best" Not the most satisfying way to lead a working life, not saying I didn't have some feelings of success but also in my head was a small "what have I done with my life?" not one with "Oh my god" infront of it but just a feeling of settling, compromising.

I thought today it was a bit like getting divorced, for which I immediately mentally apologised to anyone who had been divorced, but the same on a much smaller scale. Feelings of rejection, feeling trapped in a loveless marriage, fear of being alone, learning to trust again, the possibility of never being successful in the future, all the good times, the financial stability, well you get the idea.

So within a week I had got a book out of the library, Career Change for Dummies, its out of print now you have to buy the one with job hunting, anyway the original work helped hugely, Made me really overanalyse! But mostly constructively then I threw myself into how I could share what I had learnt with my staff and the whole office and that was a major focus until the following April. I did also start researching all the facebook arts pages and joined all the updates and websites I could. I applied for a job at the WMC I think in November and got no feedback and no interview. I did feel a bit disheartened.

I emailed all the "contact us" listings for local theatres, arts venues, comedy clubs, cinemas I could find asking for opportunities to volunteer. I didn't find that many, I went for teh ones I knew about first and honestly I felt scared to stick my neck out. I wrote my first CV, I redrafted it about 10 times. I started to include it, I offerred to make cake and share it. This opened a door. ("You mean you make cake? -Welcome to the team") The lovely g39 who are used to having artist and curator volunteers let me help too. I spent a few days in the summer cataloguing their huge art book collection, and this whole experience was decision affirming.  Why?

Well firstly the whole feel of the place I just felt at home, I loved listening to the conversations and I was gleaning information from everything, what came in the post, who asked what, teh books themselves I was recognising images reminding me I had a great visual memory, each comment I made was taken seriously and discussed. I felt helpful and not stupid and of course it wasn't full of slightly stressed people worrying about their own jobs so it was respite. Thanks to my previous employer for letting me have the time. I got introduced to some people and at the closing party I tended bar and served many influential people who were it surprised me to notice not all up themselves.

I rejoined the museums association, hadn't helped hugely last time but i figured invest in it you never know. I went behind the scenes at the local museum at a public half term event.  I wore a bright yellow dress because it was sunny and I felt like it. I realised that many museum tasks would fascinate me but that working in a small room alone would kill me, I narrowed my field of job aims in this one small way.

I went to lots of galleries, I made myself go to commercial ones, although it scared me, i always wore colourful and memorable clothes. I wrote in visitor books, I talked to invigilators, I continued to go to every party I was ever invited to, I made cheap business cards I got used to sharing these without embarassment usually after offering some minor help like sharing a web page or group I found. I listened a lot.
I read books on how to apply for jobs and write CVs i joined Linkedin and treated my profile with care and was tentative to who I let connect with me and profligate in which art groups i joined. I stalked every contact I ever almost made and learnt all I could about them on line before I met them again. I always made sure every kind word or suggestion or contact given was returned with vocal or emailed gratitude. I followed up drunken or mentioned suggestions with an email, text or message "not sure if you were serious but you mentioned coming to this art show, I'm up for it" sort of thing.

I applied for lots of jobs, I got advice from the feedback from the speculative enquiries but nothing concrete, nothing paid, then three weeks or so in the jobseeker wilderness and then I kept in contact with people and heard nothing some irons in fires went out, I lost a bit of faith, in myself in my hope, then I started temping and one contact led to another and here we are, still doing all of the above.

Its been sort of full on, determined, scattergun, focusing my ideas about myself and what I want and sharing that with everyone. First you have to know what you want, mine is still quite broad and vague and is being modified as I try new things. My only rule is go with your instincts I mostly feel yes ok and if I feel, oo no rather not I don't. Loved some stuff more than others and in time I'll know precisely why. I'm sort of growing a compass and I'm reading and seeing more of the world and meeting like minded people more than I ever did before and even that is enriching.


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Insider or Inside Art?

After a few days of serious lie-ins I can reveal that my brain is now capable of taking in information again. I am nearly half way through Richard Eldridge's Introduction to the Philosophy of Art which considering its on its third renewal from the library, feels like progress. I admit to having a list of about 8 words to look up, some of which I feel I have some clue at ('tropes' I think maybe leaning towards or attraction to like a sunflower is a heliotrope it grows toward the sun), some at first I thought were typos ('fiat' anyone?) The main thing is I seem to have got into the spirit of it and whilst he uses a wide vocabulary I don't feel like he's just showing off.

Just in time then for the next cross studio curatorial, this sunday, see the XSC blog I follow for more details. Having an art history degree does not prepare you for the reality of seeing artists and their work, the exposure to both of these things and more recent texts that examine and reassess art history methodology is really showing me I know nothing. Never assume, never think you know why artwork is made or what it is trying to say. Its certainly true it can say things it didn't mean and viewing is part fo the process. Think of any row you may have had about what band or song you think is brilliant and what you get out of it and you get the idea, but its not often you get to meet the songwriter and I'll tell you now for nothing being married to a songwriter doesn't mean you understand his songs more than anyone else.


Thursday, 20 October 2011

Irons in fires

Sorry not been here for a day, been having a good think.

Leaving a structured career of 15 years however you may have sought development and opportunities and pushed your comfortable limits, well it is a bit different out here.

I always felt uni was like a halfway house to living but actually I feel another level of exposure. I have felt scared when nothing was happenning but this week a different kind of scared because things are.

Well maybe not that but I'm getting offers of voluntary and partly paid employment, no idea what rates but not imagining much, and it seems hard to know what woudl be good or bad. In the structured environment I often created opportunities by saying I'd love to do that and this is true out here too, but I don't know what these things are really like. I do plan to be open minded and experience it and I know I've worked for a lot of days without a real break, like a weekend, so maybe my gut instinct is just a bit tired.

I also have to let go of trying to aim at a proportion of old salary and just look at the role first, if I want it I should do it and maybe I'll be putting myself into a few years of debt, I'll have to learn to live with that and be hopeful that I will keep earning.

I know its better for me to work than not, and beside never wanting to work for myself I seem to have developed that. So I am available for hanging art work, invigilating exhibitions, administrating events, public speaking, family art workshops, bar work, writing marketing materials, distributing posters and leaflets on foot, meeting and greating, researching, networking, career coaching, telephony, budgeting, book keeping, troubleshooting, filing, origami, PA work, review writing, and cookery etc

I think I may have found a part time job to go for in an Architect's office, do hope that works out. I love architecture and the thought of a steady job makes me feel anchored and less needy. That way I should have more belief when I put myself forward for other things.

So can iron catch fire? It seems that sometimes they may glow and I do love to stoke.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

How its Made

Taking today off for a bit of a rest.

Sunday night I proved my theory developed on Saturday that there is time and arts world time. The film festival was due to start at 7, got there to discover the Empty Pocket Theatre was still on and managed to see the last 2 of the specially written works after visiting the bar and having a tremendous pint of SA, real old mans pub The Gower, I like it very much.

So up we go teh steep enclosed staircase pint in hand from a well litv landing into a darkened room with cabaret style tables and disco lights. The first offering i saw was the two hander Mind the Gap written and directed by Natalie Stone. In this the male lead is becoming obsessed with renting bond movies and each day he visits the same video store and is served by the same woman, when she starts flirting with him outrageously and they strip there outerwear off with velcroed ease, the audience in this intimate setting had suspended their disbelief enough to just go with it.

Just as it was getting juicy the female character starting making an alarm sound and saying that he had violated the dream space and would be sent to the blackout zone. What followed was a narrative just confusing enough to keep you on your toes between reality and dream worlds and described nimbly a dystopia where the government owned the dream space and was privatising it, meaning that adverts where inserted in your dreams which influenced your waking behaviour and the ability to watch 18 rated dreams depended on your tax bracket.

Next offering, three people acting out complaint letters to and the responses from Everlast electric company following having their service cut off. The Powercut written and directed by Dorethea Lodwick showed a lovely variety of characters with one true cardiff hardnock mum being particularly amusing. With humour and pathos it did actually make me think twice, slickly written and slickly delivered.

I had got really excited by Roathbud and rather than be dissapointed I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would. After helping creat an aisle and add more chairs I managed to get stuck on a chair alone dead centre two thirds back, which is exactly how I like to watch a movie. Chair 13 in a multiplex is always my chair of choice. There was a witty intro film that cut together clips from the upcoming shorts, black and white shots of Roath park reminiscent of some black and white photos I took as a valentine's present to my now husband, and film of dancing girls and Orson Wells all to an up beat tune and the line "Roathbud" rendered in dramatic rosebud intonation.

Scene set, the first film FUNDAY was filmed in roath and the city centre and featured a man suffering from clownism, it had influences of Chaplin and the use of sound particularly reminsicent of 20th century french cinema such as Caro. I loved it, the tale could be read as a didactic story of how to treat the disabled but it was such fun to watch that this earnest message crept in under the radar. Trailer here:

There was such a range of film including music videos and shorts for the BBC, such a priveledge to see them here first, often with the filmakers and bands present. A real sense of community.

There were a few thank yous and then live music by Cooper365 project, a song a day for 365 days, this was day 289 and we had a song on a ukelele all about how it makes you smile innanly and it did. The lovely guy had to do 2 encores on guitar, great songs, great playing and then the dj's started doing there thing. Obviously I danced, then I walked home via Albany chip shop. Woke up to discover gravy and a broken seam, two tops in two days but a sure sign of a good night out!

Only had a pint and a glass of red, took some pictures of the poetry reading at the Coffi House as I walked past, they finished with Hey Jude for some reason. But as I was so tired I am recalling snippets of conversations I had and am not sure now what I may have agreed to.

However madeinroath is made with goodwill, in these economic times so much in demand and so rarely given. I am proud of it.


Sunday, 16 October 2011

Eye of the Festival Storm

Final day of the festival, taking a few hours to cook and eat and sit down. As is normal in events that involve lots of people ther have been some mis-communications and little glitches to roll with but overall the weather has held out and the atmosphere as felt by me and remarked on by loads was amazing. Even after the rugby loss.

I was meant to be running The Big Draw with an artist, however she turned up today instead. So yesterday I had two lovely intelligent polite teenagers for an hour and then on my own for four with a steady stream of grown ups and children, from 5 months to 84. Altogether about 140 people and with very little creative talent I managed to do origami, paper people chains and well and truly imbedded the trend of banana writing.

Get a not too ripe banana and a biro and write on the skin. Many people reacted to the media by commenting on the nutritional value of bananas. Still more got the grief at the rugby result out of themselves by drawing and writing about it, there I'm an art therapist!

Then I got lots of offers of more volunteering, got an offer from the scout leaders to do art nights with the scouts and to work on International Women in the Arts Month, both next year.

Then I got bleach on my top and bought a t shirt in the clothes shop and changed in front of everyone, tehn grabbed some food and rushed to The Gate just in time to realise I left my jacket. Met our lovely VIP and tended the bar with another volunteer, Mark, who also helped photograph the event.

We then went to Diana street to see the artist Dawn Woolley's Cut to The Measure of Desire. This was a 30 minute static performance and frankly it looked beautiful and painful.

I am getting refocused on getting a paid job and still definately sure arts admin is the right way forward

Off out to Roathbud the brilliantly named film festival and then the closing party tonight.


Thursday, 13 October 2011

Thursday must be a gallery opening

My place is behind the bar.

Work was ok today, morning dragged but got stride this afternoon, may have been the autumn mist that surprised us this morning not quite dark and cold enough to be hound of the baskervilles more almost narnia in its whiteout eerieness

Had a meeting at milkwood at 6 and if I went home first I'd be late, logged on when I got there to discover local community police that cover roath call it cathays, anyway, I'd given them courtesy run down of all the events this weekend, that went well.

Met quite a few artists who are opening their homes this weekend, how exciting!

Also saw artists I'd seen before, its at the stage where they don't look surprised or horrified, hard to get well known without giving off some stalker warning signs, now that I genuinely turn up places and am doing things its easier to be accepted. I make it clear I have no talent, assume this helps them not feel threatened, I'm actually not sure if they like me less maybe its like saying to Nigel Mansell, prefer horse and cart myself.

An opening, no-ne really looks at the art much, they drink and greet, fascinating to hear all the nstallation happenning whilst waiting and I always speak to artists kids, this is good as saturday may just have a room full of them at The Big Draw. Anyway the cardboard stuff was way more involved than I imagined, will go back and have a proper look.

Finally met the artist and other ceramics students volunteers tonight, they seem just as switched on as Helen said and now they have met me and we have talked plans for about 10 minutes it will be so much easier on saturday.


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Picture Post

This is my first hanging! not lynching you understand. Its amazing how attached to work you can get once you have handled them and cleaned them. The arcade space is still open in Queens Arcade opposite Foot Locker, please pop in, lots of info on free artiste led events in October.

As the arts festival is getting closer its doing that mad project juggling thing but rather sweetly today I got some lovely feedback from people and after a day of data entry that felt a bit soul destroying I really needed it.

Next week I'm going to take a non paid working day off and just rest, I need to recharge. I'm excited about the festival but will be happier when its happenning, just organised childcare for meeting tomorrow night, may help to meet up with others too, I'll tell you when I get back.

Off to do third draft of leaflets


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Hanging Around

So two days helping out in an Art space in a shopping centre. Yesterday I helped hang my first exhibition, gold and enamel works on glass, not the simplest but firstly got it up without damging the work, in a straight line first time and without cutting myself.

Today cleaned and set up the info table and talked to punters, after mastering the art of welcoming people in by not looking them in the eye, sort of counter intuitive for me that.

Last night spent hours on more leaflet design, not sure hwy I chose word and not powerpoint, but lets just say glad it ended. Tweaking tonight and also met organiser yesterday and this afternoon to get an up date on the festival. It's so mad how issues occur then get fixed then new ones appear, its a huge project and no Gant chart in sight. There is organisation but if you really think about it the artists who organise this stuff have an amazing memory to keep track of names dates times and functions of about 100 events. Of course I've learnt about 20 per cent of that and I'm feeling mentally quite full.

Still absolutely certain right area of work, loved meeting the public and now get to do some more bar work at the festival on Saturday. I realy love bar work, shame the pay is normally crap.


Saturday, 8 October 2011

Saturday's girl

Went out again last night, family party but really three times in 2 weeks and hubby away and part time work and volunteering.

Delivering posters and booklets and being in 6 different places in one day, It's like I have a life. Its varied and vibrant and involves introducing myself a lot.

Today I was slightly unforgettable as I was helping my brother catch a horse so had to wear wellies, I only have pink multicoloured spotty ones and no sensible tuck in trousers so wore my purple spotty multi colour dress, onk tights, multicoloured scarf and pink knit beret. By the time I'd changed into my blue ballet pumps I looked like a children's TV presenter.

At least I looked unthreatening and warm enough for this chilly sunny day.


Thursday, 6 October 2011

Forgot to mention ehow is the website that taught me all about eflyers.

Today rescued two people from the looks like a bus stop shelters like a bus stop but isn't a bus stop. Found out you get dropped off there but you can't get a bus from there. Great way to meet people, they'd been waiting 40 minutes. 1 guy was a Roath boy and has press contacts so could be useful.

Travel was much better today and responded to some emails, maybe the new temp job is just not floating my boat because its not the arts festival or maybe its because it pays so little.

The job is working on a customer relationship management system so it is a bit like box office.

Its really fine its just today the suggestion came it may be longer than 6 weeks and my heart sank.

Will have to square that circle at some point,

I'll reassess in a few weeks.

I am now marketing to people at bus stops, I have caught the disease fully, I used to just be marketing myself.


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Next temp job

Learning a new system in one day however simple is just tiring!

Tomorrow will no doubt be easier and ya know nice crowd and clean kitchen, second temp job, second dishwasher, cushy!

got home, cooked, said bye to hubby who we will pass like ships tomorrow and then he's off until monday, but he's looking after a friend in need.

Actually dinner was lovely considering I threw it together, fishcakes with garlic sauteed potatoes kale and carrots, colourful and tasty!

Logged on finally and worked on some event planning stuff, hoping I feel really energetic tomorrow.


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Nothing ever happens on a Tuesday?

Crikey never had a day like it.

Got up and got ready popped into old office to see old friend with birthday greetings ready for Thursday.

Had lunchtime meeting with art promotion shop guy, Robert. Who turned out to be an artist and gave me quite a lengthy and infromative run down of his career. He was pretty organised even though he described himself as a non functioning alcoholic.

Sat in Chapter's cafe/bar waiting for him, using their lovely wifi and drinking their lovely coffee, don't eat the lemon rind biscuits, yuck! Their homemade stuff so far has been so top notch it was a real dissapointment.

Robert is also the projectionist and has been since 1988 meaning aside from Cinema City in Norwich and DVD's he is entrirely responsible for all the art house movies I have ever seen. Bless he did get quite a run down of thanks from me, we discussed favourite scenes on the basis of lighting and sound. I got nostalgic for Claude Renoir's La Regle du Jour, thankfully missing the anecdote about the nutter with the rustly career bag that my good friend Sarah cringed so much about, "they always sit by me" she said plaintively, repeatedly I recall. The jars of berries in Percy Adlon's Salmonberries I countered with the book being thrown in the opening scene, sounded like violent birdswings showing the anger of the main character whilst her body language and demeanour is so still. Only in the cinema do you get the joy of that sound effect. no matter how good your surround sound. I know I had it on video. Hmm Video, I am 36 it seems.

I went on like that, then got introduced to a man I've met many times before who is also an artist and always forgets me. He gave me a rundown of all his exciting stuff and kept mentioning some other guy. I later learn this is an alter ego, popular thing this alter ego stuff, not sure I get it.

Then travel to organisers, deal with some emails, explain how shop can help promote arts festival and good timing. As organiser can't see me monday or tuesday commit to being at the shop next week.

Schmoozed local shop with spirit of voluntary non-commercial art festival venture, very much for it but not up to giving us money.

Then got home, grabbed child, took him to local cafe to meet complete stranger. Another volunteer who works at the Arts Council. We deftly negotiated splitting tasks so we got the experience we needed. We were both happy. New rule be honest about what you want be generous with giving up that which you don't need. We will also share info and contacts and drafted a press release together.

My son also wants a credit but he mainly ate.

Came home to find husband had bought me yellow and red roses to say well done for all the efforts I'm making to get the job I want. I keep saying it, he's a keeper.


Monday, 3 October 2011

Working from home

I never felt I was cut out for working from home but today I did it.

Thankfully it was a school day but husband and playstation were still in glaring distance. I find it so hard to ignore people. Well people I know, open plan does not work well for me.

After reading more of creating websites for dummies and today the ehow pages on how to create an eflyer I feel in the right frame of mind to grasp new computer techniques. The for dummies books are simplistic and you are not meant to read them word for word but I do. I find the repetition makes it sink in a bit and the tips and other titbits tend to make me go "oh" and tehy make you feel anything but dumb.

I have a friend who loved changing stuff into adobe pdfs, she was the only one on the team allowed and at the time you couldn't read pdfs on your PC if you had the translate into part of teh software. Not sure that is still teh case but found a website you email a word document to and it puts it in a pdf and sends it back to you. It promised 5 minute and did it in 120 seconds. Magic! I used my spam email anyhoo so not scared about all the marketing stuff I'll get deluged with.

My 2 email system did let me down slightly today though. Volunteered via spam mail, repent at leisure. I did say to be texted but all day have been logged into my serious email account only to miss a lets meet up, what time email for the guy who is runing the cardiff arts promotion shop. BUM

I've replied and given other email address but he may now just right me off as a tool.

So predictably whilst working from home, aside from work I achieved:

1.laundry is almost entirely up to date
2.I am bubble bath finger dimpley clean
3. My son got fed a home cooked meal an hour before he was ready for it
4. Found the V and A channel and am now up to date on PostModernism
5. My score on push the button now has me in the top 600 world users


Sunday, 2 October 2011

Earning or Learning

I summed it up quite nicely, I need to be doing one or the other.

When I've not been in work I've been reading text books a lot. Currently I'm reading Creating web pages for dummies and An introduction to the philosophy of Art by Richard Eldridge. And for fun Bill Bryson's Shakespeare.

I've been out two nights in a row, first night had a great time with former colleagues, many who are firm friends. It was celebratory and a bit like leaving high school or Uni, more final than my own leaving do for some reason. It brought back that I still need to grieve a bit for the people but also the feeling of desperation to spread my wings from the job. Not that the job was bad, it diminished near the end but just the feeling of such familiarity. In 15 year I did a lot and learnt a lot and took risks and was offerred chances and I created chances but it was all in the one field and with lots of the same culture.

Then last night went to a party with many creative people and realised that there are people with my interests and I talked to so many new people for so long and each conversation was one I hadn't had in the last 15 years. Oh, its good. I need that in my life for some of the time. I have always explored my interests on my own if needed and largely it has been needed, but its nice to share.

I got home after 1 this morning and logged on and volunteered for something else! So I will hopefully meet up with a guy who is having a city centre shop for a week or two to promote the arts in cardiff, very me that.

Also working on some more marketing and its lovely and sunny.
