Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Insider or Inside Art?

After a few days of serious lie-ins I can reveal that my brain is now capable of taking in information again. I am nearly half way through Richard Eldridge's Introduction to the Philosophy of Art which considering its on its third renewal from the library, feels like progress. I admit to having a list of about 8 words to look up, some of which I feel I have some clue at ('tropes' I think maybe leaning towards or attraction to like a sunflower is a heliotrope it grows toward the sun), some at first I thought were typos ('fiat' anyone?) The main thing is I seem to have got into the spirit of it and whilst he uses a wide vocabulary I don't feel like he's just showing off.

Just in time then for the next cross studio curatorial, this sunday, see the XSC blog I follow for more details. Having an art history degree does not prepare you for the reality of seeing artists and their work, the exposure to both of these things and more recent texts that examine and reassess art history methodology is really showing me I know nothing. Never assume, never think you know why artwork is made or what it is trying to say. Its certainly true it can say things it didn't mean and viewing is part fo the process. Think of any row you may have had about what band or song you think is brilliant and what you get out of it and you get the idea, but its not often you get to meet the songwriter and I'll tell you now for nothing being married to a songwriter doesn't mean you understand his songs more than anyone else.


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