Crikey never had a day like it.
Got up and got ready popped into old office to see old friend with birthday greetings ready for Thursday.
Had lunchtime meeting with art promotion shop guy, Robert. Who turned out to be an artist and gave me quite a lengthy and infromative run down of his career. He was pretty organised even though he described himself as a non functioning alcoholic.
Sat in Chapter's cafe/bar waiting for him, using their lovely wifi and drinking their lovely coffee, don't eat the lemon rind biscuits, yuck! Their homemade stuff so far has been so top notch it was a real dissapointment.
Robert is also the projectionist and has been since 1988 meaning aside from Cinema City in Norwich and DVD's he is entrirely responsible for all the art house movies I have ever seen. Bless he did get quite a run down of thanks from me, we discussed favourite scenes on the basis of lighting and sound. I got nostalgic for Claude Renoir's La Regle du Jour, thankfully missing the anecdote about the nutter with the rustly career bag that my good friend Sarah cringed so much about, "they always sit by me" she said plaintively, repeatedly I recall. The jars of berries in Percy Adlon's Salmonberries I countered with the book being thrown in the opening scene, sounded like violent birdswings showing the anger of the main character whilst her body language and demeanour is so still. Only in the cinema do you get the joy of that sound effect. no matter how good your surround sound. I know I had it on video. Hmm Video, I am 36 it seems.
I went on like that, then got introduced to a man I've met many times before who is also an artist and always forgets me. He gave me a rundown of all his exciting stuff and kept mentioning some other guy. I later learn this is an alter ego, popular thing this alter ego stuff, not sure I get it.
Then travel to organisers, deal with some emails, explain how shop can help promote arts festival and good timing. As organiser can't see me monday or tuesday commit to being at the shop next week.
Schmoozed local shop with spirit of voluntary non-commercial art festival venture, very much for it but not up to giving us money.
Then got home, grabbed child, took him to local cafe to meet complete stranger. Another volunteer who works at the Arts Council. We deftly negotiated splitting tasks so we got the experience we needed. We were both happy. New rule be honest about what you want be generous with giving up that which you don't need. We will also share info and contacts and drafted a press release together.
My son also wants a credit but he mainly ate.
Came home to find husband had bought me yellow and red roses to say well done for all the efforts I'm making to get the job I want. I keep saying it, he's a keeper.
Next time you are at Chapter, call me. I live 2mins away and would love to see you. Sian ( xx ps, agree, roses = keeper xx